Alexandria Living Magazine
The go-to lifestyle resource for Alexandria residents, Alexandria Living Magazine publishes six print issues per year covering the City of Alexandria and surrounding areas including: Kingstowne, Fort Hunt, Belle Haven, Mount Vernon, and other neighborhoods. With a readership of more than 20,000, the magazine is mailed to thousands of Alexandria homes and is also available at hundreds of locations throughout the region, including local grocery stores and newsstands, restaurants, retail outlets, and more.
Visit WebsiteSamples
The go-to lifestyle resource for Alexandria residents, Alexandria Living Magazine publishes six print issues per year covering the City of Alexandria and surrounding areas including: Kingstowne, Fort Hunt, Belle Haven, Mount Vernon, and other neighborhoods. With a readership of more than 20,000, the magazine is mailed to thousands of Alexandria homes and is also available at hundreds of locations throughout the region, including local grocery stores and newsstands, restaurants, retail outlets, and more.
In addition to the print magazine, Alexandria Living has a robust website that receives more than 140,000 page views per month. Opportunities for digital marketing include sponsored content articles or featured listings, digital ads on the website, e-newsletter ads, and custom e-blasts sent to an opt-in list of subscribers.
McEnearney Associates is the exclusive real estate partner for the annual Resident’s Guide published by Alexandria Living which covers both the City and Fairfax County. Distribution includes the Visitor's Center, City Hall, libraries and rec centers, HOAs, and rental apartment complexes. It is also mailed to magazine subscribers and to recently moved-in residents on a quarterly schedule.
Print Advertising Rates negotiated for McEnearney Associates

Note: Your rate will be locked in through the duration of your contract and costs are an Associate expense.
Website Advertising - Agent Branding or Listings
$195 per month - Run-of-site banner and vertical ads available for general agent promotion OR for listings advertising. GIFs/property slideshows are available.
Web advertisements are receiving on average 15,000 to 20,000 views per month! Ads will not appear in the same place every time for every page visit. Refreshing the page may change the ads. The number of advertisers is capped to maintain enough views per ad per number of visitors.
Sponsored Content
Either a Sponsored Article -OR- Sponsored Listing Article (Like a “Home of the Week”)
This is a great way to show your expertise in an area related to real estate or to the Alexandria community! Distribution includes: website, e-newsletter, and social media marketing.

- You are the author of the content! ALM editors will edit for style: clarity, spelling, and grammar, and length if necessary. Marketing assistance is not available for writing the content.
- The sponsored content “lives” on in the archives forever, is publicly available, and will not be removed. It will include the date it was published so that anyone coming across it online will see that publication date.
Newsletter Advertising
The Alexandria Living newsletter is sent three times weekly to 6,100+ subscribers, and growing. They have a very high open rate of around 30%, or even higher for some newsletters.
Pricing is for one newsletter in the following categories: Must Reads (Tuesdays), Food & Dining (Thursdays), and Home & Garden (Fridays).

Note: If you purchase a package for Sponsored Content or a Sponsored listing, this already includes space in the newsletter.
Custom E-blast
$395 per email and sent to the same opt-in list as the e-newsletters. Designed by your in-office marketing team, the email can be focused on agent branding or listings.