Alexandria Gazette Packet & Mount Vernon Gazette Newspapers
The Alexandria Gazette Packet and The Mount Vernon Gazette are the go-to local newspaper for Alexandria City and South Alexandria. As part of the Connection Newspapers our advertising appears in print and digital editions every week. The Connection Newspapers uses database marketing similar to that used by sophisticated national political campaigns and corporations which segment their marketing outreach.
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The Alexandria Gazette Packet and The Mount Vernon Gazette are the go-to local newspaper for Alexandria City and South Alexandria. As part of the Connection Newspapers our advertising appears in print and digital editions every week. The Connection Newspapers uses database marketing similar to that used by sophisticated national political campaigns and corporations which segment their marketing outreach.
Property ads are run every week in either the premium inside cover or back cover position, and are one of the primary recommended marketing channels for Alexandria listings. Ad costs are covered by the property marketing plan.
Personal agent branding ads are also available most weeks of the year in the Alexandria paper. These full-page ads are designed by the marketing team to show what makes you stand out in the Alexandria market. Cost for 2023 is $1,396 per ad for the premium inside cover position.